Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Muffin Flip

My son had a random day off from school today. I was wondering what we could do for some fun when I spied some muffin mix in the pantry, Fiber One's Apple Cinnamon. Aha!

I love when Josh helps me cook. Of course, he thinks he can do all of it by himself and gets irritated when I try to help... but I figure he's learning and not watching TV and so what if the food comes out a little funny? Today he did a really good job and muffins were beautiful.

Now just a note: I hate trying to transfer baked goods to cooling racks. The tops of muffins and cupcakes get smooshed if you hold the pan & rack together and if you don't, one inevitably rolls away. Likewise cakes, breads and cookies break.

Today I had gotten 2 muffin pans out but ended up only using one. When I pulled out our muffins and saw the extra pan, I had an idea. I put the empty pan on top of the one with the muffins, held them together and flipped! Not one single lost, broken or smooshed muffin!

Needless to say, we thoroughly enjoyed our fresh mostly homemade muffins!! :D

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